Wednesday 22 September 2010

Moving into Adabraka

There’s a good group of us in Accra and I’m going into some temporary accommodation in the Adabraka (Abracadabra!) district, while the others are going into a hotel.  I’ll probably be moving into a house further out of town when it’s ready with a couple of the other new volunteers, which I’m looking forward to.
The VSO driver picked me up on Saturday morning and I met my new flatmates Weng and Rosario, who are both from the Phillipines. I feel really at home and they shared their lunch with me - great fish soup and a chocolate rice porridge. I have promised to cook them a curry! The house is really clean. I also don’t need to use a mosquito net as all the windows have netting, though a few sly ones exist in the bathroom. The mosquitos are v. stealthy - I hardly notice them, the bites don’t always cause a reaction,  and malaria seems to be an accepted inevitability amongst the other volunteers...
The Adabraka house

Living room

My room


1 comment:

  1. ahaha.. love the final ellipsis (dun, dun, dun). is it really, though? DANGER! also. those somehow don't seem like the names i was told to expect.
