- don’t wince when your taxi driver swerves suddenly into the path of oncoming traffic
- become impatient when he doesn’t
- stop taking photographs
- start saying words in a variation of the local accent for maximum comprehension
- forget frequently that you are in Africa
- have a rolling list of things that people could bring, package, send to you from home
- invest in a handkerchief to dab perspiration from your face, elegantly
- bump into people you know in random places
- wake up at 6.30am and feel you've slept in
- buy pure water sachets through your car window... and plantain chips, coat hangers, phone top up and anything else you just might need
- eat street food without a second thought
- think in cedis
- know people other than those who were on your flight
- start feeling chilly when it’s overcast
- have moved house three times
- ferry an assortment of washing basins, gas cylinder, pots and pans when moving house
- recognise tro tros and their mates
- have marmite, oyster sauce and kellogs special k in your kitchen cupboard
- start building a collection of locally tailored items
- run out of mr kipling’s cherry bakewells.
He does make exceedingly good cakes.